Home WE HELP children with learning difficulties develop focus AND attention Here's how Brain Training can help conquer barriers. Learn How Home Vianney, Fraser, Aryan, Assel, Ebrahim We helped re-write their stories Read their success stories. Learn How Home Adults and professionals Learn How Home Exercise the Brain. Overcome the Hurdles. Accelerate Learning with The Brain Workshop Training. Learn How Home ReadRx - Program Treat the root cause of reading difficulties Learn How Home MathRx - Program Gets to the root cause of math learning struggles Learn How

The Brain Workshop – We help overcome the hurdles

We understand how difficult life can get if you have a learning disability. As a child it can start with the trouble to process and understand new or complex information. It can be the reason a child lags behind in learning new skills. Eventually it can affect a person’s quality of life.

Brain Workshop can help turn things around! Our experts can accurately pinpoint the real reason behind the learning disability. This helps in creating the strategies to overcome the delays in the learning curve.


One-on-one Brain Trainer

BrainRx trainers work one to one with students. This allows them to individualize the program for the best results.


95,000 Client Lives Changed

LearningRx and its affiliates have helped more than 95,000 individuals sharpen their cognitive skills to help them think faster, learn easier, and perform better.


9.6 out of 10

We ask graduates: “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to refer your friends and family to BrainRx?” and the average client rating is a 9.6 out of 10!


21 point IQ change

The average IQ increase for nearly 18,000 clients is 15 points. In our most recent controlled study, participants saw an average increase of 21 points.


20+ research studies…

…you can visit www.gibsonresearchinstitute.org for more information on our completed and ongoing research studies on all things brain science.


35 years research

All BrainRx programs are based on current research. To find out more, visit www.learningrx.org.


Learning Model

The Learning Model is grounded in the Cattell-Horn-Carrol (CHC) theory of intelligence, which describes thinking as a set of seven broad abilities: comprehension knowledge, longterm retrieval, visual-spatial thinking, auditory processing, fluid reasoning, processing speed, and short-term memory.

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The Brain Workshop

We are caring professionals devoted to working one-on-one with individuals who struggle with learning or those who desire maximum learning skill enhancement.


+9714 24 34 620

Office 216, Apex Atrium Building,
Motor City, P.O.Box 215578 Dubai, UAE


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The Brain Workshop