Sangeeta Surana

Sangeeta Surana

Senior Cognitive Skills Trainer

The expertise guru, specialising in the holistic and logical development of kids and adults alike, Sangeeta is our strongest force of cognitive support and developmental understanding. Being the Senior Cognitive Trainer, Sangeeta showcases not only a strong affinity to enhance cognition, but also the ability to build solid rapport with her students and clients


  • Graduate in Commerce and Education
  • Sensory Panellist, Mars International
  • GEMS Kindergarten Starters Teacher
  • Gibson trained and certified since 2017
  • BrainRx, ReadRx and AccelerateRx

The Brain Workshop

We are caring professionals devoted to working one-on-one with individuals who struggle with learning or those who desire maximum learning skill enhancement.


+9714 24 34 620

Office 216, Apex Atrium Building,
Motor City, P.O.Box 215578 Dubai, UAE


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The Brain Workshop