Video Gallery

Why is my Child Lazy? 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 | The Brain Workshop

Why Kids Can't Sit Still? | The Brain Workshop

Brain Training Session from the POV of a ADHD Patient | The Brain Workshop 🧠

Brain Game - Passcode | The Brain Workshop 🧠

Masking of ADHD Symptoms in Girls | The Brain Workshop 🧠

ADHD Parenting Tips | The Brain Workshop

Exploring the Crucial Link Between Mental Health and Physical Well-being | The Brain Workshop 🧠

Navigating ADHD with Performing Artists at Sharjah Performing Arts Academy | The Brain Workshop

Inside The Brain Workshop: Your Assessment Experience Explained!

The Brain Workshop Team Plays Would You Rather: Work Edition!

5 ways in which you can Damage your #Brain | The Brain Workshop 🧠

5 Lesser-Known Facts about #Dyslexia | The Brain Workshop 🧠

BrainRx UAE Brain workshop - THIS is what brain training can do for someone you love

The Brain Workshop - Brain Training in Dubai

Who Can Be Helped Through Brain Training

What is Brain Training

Improve Attention Skills Using Brain Training

How to Find Out That Your Kid Needs Brain Training?

How is Brain Training Different from Tutoring

Virtual Tour

Can Brain Training Help Adults?

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    The Brain Workshop

    We are caring professionals devoted to working one-on-one with individuals who struggle with learning or those who desire maximum learning skill enhancement.


    +9714 24 34 620

    Office 216, Apex Atrium Building,
    Motor City, P.O.Box 215578 Dubai, UAE


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    The Brain Workshop